Divorce Attorney Lawyer And Mediator

divorce lawyer monmouth county nj

Let’s Find The Best Approach To Your Divorce. Divorce is a major turning point in anyone’s life. If you have decided that your marriage cannot be saved and it is time to move on — or if your spouse has made this momentous decision and you must protect your own interests — your choice of a family law attorney is critical. You need a knowledgeable, empathetic Divorce Lawyer you can talk to openly and trust to provide clear, honest guidance. If you are in Monmouth County, NJ, consider a consultation at our Spring Lake office. 

First and foremost, you do need qualified legal counsel. Assumptions about New Jersey family law and how judges will rule on key issues are dangerous. Representing yourself can lead to decisions, concessions and mistakes that you regret for many years to come. Monmouth County NJ Divorce Mediator / Divorce Lawyer and Attorney Corinne Campi is deeply versed in all legal avenues for resolving your case, and she will recommend the course of action that makes the most sense for you.

At Campi Family Law, We Emphasize Keeping You In Control Of Your Future.

With a full-service office in Spring Lake NJ, and Corinne Campi is a family lawyer well-equipped to help clients throughout Ocean and Monmouth County defend and protect what matters most. Our strengths and capabilities cover the spectrum of:

  • Contested divorce: Most divorcing couples have at least a few essential issues that they see differently and some clashing objectives. We emphasize all-out, detail-focused preparation to achieve your goals through negotiations or in the courtroom.
  • Divorce mediation: When both parties are able to focus on achieving fair resolution, mediation can work wonders. Attorney Corinne Campi is a strong proponent of mediation equally skilled in serving as a private or court-appointed mediator and in guiding men and women through this process.
  • Arbitration: Some couples choose mutually to enter arbitration proceedings, where testimony and documents are presented before an arbitrator rather than a judge. Often, this decision is driven by their desire to keep information about their business interests, wealth and assets out of the public record.
  • Collaborative law: This approach can enable the parties, each advised by their own attorneys, to work toward settlement of disputed issues in a less formal, less adversarial setting than the courtroom. Couples who are able to communicate rationally and respectfully may benefit from this approach.

To arrange a time to sit down with Corinne Campi and discuss your problems and goals, we encourage you to call 732-556-0525 or contact us by email.

Family Lawyer Divorce Attorney Services For Monmouth County NJ And Nearby Ocean County NJ Including: